by | Mar 28, 2022

Some things sound good in your mind but they sound so stupid out loud
And as you are saying it you’re thinking, “Man this is stupid!”
But it keeps coming out and then the look on peoples’ faces accompanied by the
awkward silence confirms you should have kept that to yourself.
But the glory in these moments is knowing you wouldn’t have realized
how dumb that thought was if you had not said it out loud.
Now you can put it out of your mind instead of believing it, doing it,
or making it some kind of stupid moral principal
    –  It is only a problem – When a stupid thought becomes a stupid person
Be relieved that you have eradicated the idiot from your mind
#3496945 #34986973



1 Comment

  1. Aysia flye

    I feel you, I believe that because stupid thoughts can lead to bad decisions as well!! It’s good to say your thoughts out loud sometimes and hear them


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